Changjun Middle School 2023 The first semester of high school exam English answers

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Changjun Middle School 2023 The first semester of high school exam English answers

Changjun Middle School 2023 In the next semester of high school, English reference answer sequence 1112131415 Answer BAACBACCCCABBCA Question Sequence 2728 Answer ABBBCDBCDBDABB Question 33738394041434445 Answer CCDBCFGCAEADCAB Question 46474849505152535455 Answer DBDACBDACB [Tag Introduction] This is an application.The article introduces the specific arrangements of several activities in a certain school, such as time, place and theme.21.D.Details understanding questions.According to the sentence "YoumayalsobringyourownInventions. (You can also bring your own invention) according to the sentence" Youmayalsobringyourown.) "It can be seen that you have the opportunity to introduce your invention on Sunday.So choose D.22.A.Details understanding questions.According to the sentence in Monday's event arrangement, "IfyouwanttoknowMoreabouttheunivers.The content is to go at this time.So choose item A.23.B.Details understanding questions.According to the sentence "Mr. HarrymorisonFromharvarduniversity" in the sentence "Mr. HarrymorisonFromharvarduniversity" on Friday, MrBangalore Investment. Harrymorison comes from Harvard University.Therefore, choose item B.[Temporary Guide] This is a narrative.The article tells that the author suffers from attention and cannot concentrate on what he does. He is unwilling to work hard and wants to give up.But under the inspiration of the Louisbraille story, the author overcome the difficulties, complete the assignment and get the teacher's high recognition.24.c.Details understanding questions.According to the first paragraph, the author did not complete his homework in the class because he could not concentrate.So choose C.25.D.Details understanding questions.According to the last sentence of the fourth paragraph, "Instead, HeinventedareAdingsystemOFRAISEDDOTS (point), WhichopenedupAwwWorldOWLEDGETOTOTOTHETHETHEBLIND. "New Knowledge)" "One way to read, he is creative.So choose D.26.B.Inference judgment questions.According to the second paragraph, "YouarenotdifferntFromyourclassMates, Youngman", and the penultimate paragraph "Seewhatyoucandowhenyoukeeptrying?" It can be seen that Ms. Smith is a teacher who encourages others.So choose B.27.D.Inference judgment questions.According to the last paragraph, "IBELIEVEONECANDHISWAYOUTOFDIFFICULTYWITHDETERMINATION (determination) Andefforts", "there is no difficulty in the world, just fear of people", that is, "wheretHereisawill, TheReisaway."[Temporary Guide] This is a explanation.The article tells the benefits of reading to children.28.A.Inference judgment questions.According to the first paragraph and keyword "YORLITTLENES", the reader may be a parent.So choose A.29.B.Word meaning speculation.According to the last sentence of the third paragraph, they can even travel to the moon before lunch, see Guru, and visit the chocolate factory.So choose B.30.B.Inference judgment questions.According to the fourth paragraph, there is no way to experience the position of others than reading others.From the perspective of others, the problem is also a good way to build empathy, tolerance and other required quality.There are some very good children's books, and the characters inside act as a powerful role model.These stories can encourage future leaders and thinkers, so that every child can believe that they can realize their dreams, such as the "Little Leader" series and "The Story of Rebellion Girls".So choose B.31.c.Subject big issues.It can be seen that the full text can be seen that the article tells the various benefits brought by reading to children.So choose C.[Temporary Guide] This is a explanation.The article mainly introduces the Cusuqi Desert Greening Project.32.c.Inference judgment questions.According to the "THEKUBUQIDESERTGREENGREENGREENGPROJECTHASSSUCCEDEDENOTONLYControlling Hasalsoturnedabout6,000squarekilometersofthedesert — One-Thirdofit-Green.It also makes the desert of about 6,000 square kilometers (one -third of the desert area) turning green.So choose C.33.D.Details understanding questions.According to the "... BasedoneFFECTIVEGOVERNMENTPOLIES, Supportedbyinvestment (investment) in the fourth paragraphIntheeco-foundRyandcomCombineDWithTheeffortsoflocalFarmers.TheSethree Aspectsarekeytothesofthe'kubuqimodel '. The combination of farmers 'efforts is the key to the success of the "Kubuqi model')., A, B, and C are the key to the success of the Kubuqi desert greening project mentioned in the original text, and D is not selected.Example demonstration relies on the company's investment and government support to benefit the locals.Greening Engineering supports attitude. Explanation below will provide some guidance, so there should be a empty placeThe meaning of "Global Travel needs to be guided or really troubles". allianceGuoabong Stock. "Just answeredThis problem.Time.39A.There is a big difference in consumption of different countries in different countries, so you need to consider it when you travel around the world. SIA, boliviaandindiaareparticularlycheap. "It is the second reference factor when choosing the place where you choose.[Temporary Guide] This is a narrative.The article tells the story of the author and brother helping a young man because of a wrong turn.41.A.Examine noun meaning identification.Sentence: The wrong turning brought us to a bridge, and we couldn't turn back.A. Bridge Bridge; B.Road Road; C.Street Street; D.Tower Tower.According to the following "WeWERENEVER52TOEVENGETONTHATBRDGE.WETOOKAWRONGTURNDMETYOU." It can be seen that here is the vocabulary of the information word Bridge.So choose A.42.D.Examine adverbial meaning analysis.Sentence: My brother reluctantly paid the toll and continued to drive.A.Undoubtedly has no doubt; b.unluckily unfortunately; C.UnExpeCtedly unexpectedly; D.unwillingly does not want to.According to the above "TheWronGTURNTOOKUSTOWARDSA41AndWehadnowToturnBack."So choose D.43.c.Examine the meaning of adjective words.Sentence: He is obviously frustrated with this error.A.amused amused; b.shocked shocked; c.UpSet is upset, frustrated; d. guased is happy.According to "Bythemistake", my brother feels frustrated because of his mistakes.So choose C.44.A.Examine noun meaning identification.Sentence: We finally found an exit. When we went down the bridge from the exit, my brother saw a black car stopped on the side of the road.A.EXIT exit; B.Man; C.CAR; D.SIGN logo.According to the above, their cars have to be driving on a bridge and cannot be returned.Finally, I finally found a way to go down the bridge.So choose A.45.B.Check the verb phrases.Sentences are the same as above.A.Speededup accelerate; b.pulledover stops while parking; C.Wentout goes out;According to the following "AyoungManholdingambilephoneWasstandingnearby, Tryingto46Someone." And "Hehada48tire (tire)", the tire was stunned and the car was parked on the side of the road.So choose B.46.D.Examine the meaning of verb words.Sentence: A young man holding a mobile phone stands nearby,Try to call someone.A.Greet greetings; B.impress impressed; C.Fight battle, fight; d.Call called.According to the above "AyoungManholdingambilephoneWasstandingnearby", it can be seen that this young man is calling.So choose D.47.B.Examine noun meaning identification.Sentence: My brother stopped and asked if that person needed help.A.Advice suggestion; B.HELP help; C.Food food; d.water water.According to the following "Withawrench (wrench), mybrotheredartedtohelphim49thetire." It can be seen if his brother asked him if he needed help.So choose B.48.D.Examine the meaning of adjective words.Sentence: His tire gun.A.WRONG is wrong; B.DIRTY is dirty; c.Small is small; d.flat is flat.According to the following "AndmingthisFlattire", it can be seen that the tire is stunned.So choose D.49A..Examine the meaning of verb words.Sentence: My brother began to help him change the tire.A.Change change, replace; B.roll rolling; c.pick selection; d.Buy purchase.According to the following "Hehada48Tire (Tire)." It can be seen that it means helping to change the tire.So choose A.50.c.Examine the meaning of adjective words.Sentence: He said that he had a bad life this week; it was a car accident before, and now the tire is stunned again.According to "EarlieraminorCARACCIDENT, and Mingthisflattire." It can be seen that the young man complained that this week was bad.So choose C.51.B.Examine the meaning of verb words.Sentence: But he called us "a fresh air", thanked us constantly, and tried to give us $ 20.A.Following follows; b.Thaanking thanks; C.Refusion refuses; d.Admiring admires.According to the above, "Withawrench (wrench), mybrotheredartedtohelphim49thetire." It can be seen that young people thank their brothers for their help.So choose B.52.D.Examine the meaning of verb words.Sentence: We shouldn't go to the bridge.A.Requested is requested; b.asked is called; c.allowed is allowed; D.meant should be, destined.According to the above, it is because of a wrong turning author and brother on the bridge, so they would not have the bridge, and they would not have the opportunity to help the young man.So choose D.53.A.Examine noun meaning identification.Sentence: Thank you for turning our mistakes into a chance to help.A.Chance Opportunities; B.Plan Plan; C.Dream Dream; D.DUTY Responsibility, Responsibilities.According to "thanankyouForturningourMistakeinto", this refers to turning errors into an opportunity to help others. In the following "HewasabletoseaChanceTohelpinanenegatives."So choose A.54.c.Examine noun meaning identification.Sentence: I watched my brother complete the whole process.A.Project project; B.TURN turning; C.Process process; D.Speech speech.According to the following "HewasabletoseeachanceTohelpinanegativesitation." It can be seen that the author watched his brother's whole process from turning his anger to helping others.So choose C.55.B.Examine the meaning of adjective words.Sentence: He transformed his anger for wrong into positive energy.A.BRAVE brave; B.POSITIVE is positive; c.right is correct; D.Diffrent is different.According to the above "ThankyoUFORTURNINGOURMISTAKEINTOA53TOSERVE." It can be seen that my brother is very optimistic.So choose B.56.Themselves5.began58.badly59.who60.FOR61.Tobe62.n63.WereRescued64. 70.ajourneyofathousandmilesbeginswithasingleStep Part 4 Section 1 [Reference Sample Essays] Dearmaggie, I'msORRYTOHEATHATIYATINTHIRMAIRMAINEFTSES'UNINIONIONIONION.don'TFEELDISCOURGED.MaybetheFollowInViceWillbefhelPtoyou.firstofall, related, whenyoucalmdown, you'resupposedtoreflectonthewhoESSTHOUGHLYANDATOVATOVAT,ItWouldBegoodifyoureMemberthatFortuneUrewaySFavorsstheprePredMind.getr IllBeagreatsuccess.wishyyyAllThebest.yourssincerely, Lihua Section 2 [Reference Fan Essay] APPROACHINGTHEDOORWAY, JENNNYTOOOKADEEPBREATH.WHENSHECKEDARDOOR, She FoundthedoorWasLockedandHermotherwasnotin.TiredAndandsad, shesatdowninfrontofthehouse. E? "Again, TheSceneofthequarrelaPearedinhermind.ShereMeMeMbeherudnesstoHermother.RealizingTheScoldingFromherwasDuetothwasDuetthathermmm OtherReallyCaredalotabouther,SheFeltratherashhamed, Andtearsbegantorolldownherchecks.agentletouchOrrmedherMindback.SheraiseDandansawthefamiliarFaceofhermother. HereyoucomeUdabur Stock! I'vebeenLookingforyou, "Hermumsaid, Hugelyrelieved.shamehit ting, thegirlkeptsilent, havingsocouragekheringheeyes.SheCou ldn'thelpthrowingherselfInTohermother's. this, HermothersleDPATTIRBACKENTLY, "Iloveyougugardless, Mygirl"[Introduction] This article uses Jenny's understanding of affection as a clue. It tells the misunderstanding of Jenny and his mother, but after the hawker uses a bowl of noodles as a revelation, he understands the mother's painstaking efforts.The story of understanding.[Analysis] Duanfan continues: ① from the first paragraph of the first sentence, "When it was close to the door, Jenny took a deep breath." It can be seen that the first paragraph can describe Jenny's understanding of his own problem and prepare to go home to communicate with his mother.According to the second paragraph, "Someone touched her hair gently, Jenny came back to God." It can be seen that the first paragraph is that the mother is absent, what Jenny sees and thinks.Or this paragraph can also be written to see your mother, but you must think about it before you can connect with the first sentence in the next paragraph.② From the first sentence of the second paragraph, "Someone gently touched her hair, Jenny returned to God." It can be seen that the content of this paragraph should be mainly because the mother and daughter will be misunderstood. Jenny expresses her understanding of her motherAnd gratitude, the mother and daughter returned to good.[High Specifications 1] TiredAndSad, ShesatdownIninfrontofthehouse. l. "(Non -predicate verb as adverbial, and action description) ListeningMaterials Text1w: Excuseme, Ken.FortODAY'SEXAM, YoushoulduseapenCil.youcanborrowOneoFMine.m: Oh, thanksomuchForFTHOMEINAHURRYARYANDDI DN'TBRINGONE.W:: GOODLuck! Text2w: it'sSSOFUNY.YouareChinese, Butyouspeakenglikeagerman.m: MyuncleLiveDingerManymanyandituPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF romhim.sodidmybrotherandsister.w: NOWISEE.TEXT3M: THISCARHASCOMFOMFLESEATSATSANDPLEFSPACE.BESIDES, it ispoweredbyelectricity, notgas!ItHinkit'sPerfect.w: ButthePriceIsSohighthatWecan'TAffordit.let'Stake OWEDINGS.IT'sMoretraDitionalTowEarLIGHTERISLILLOWTOSUMMMERWEDINGINGS.w: You'erricht.ihaveAPECTSUMMMMERDRSSTOAAR — I'llPutitonNow.m: I 4'TWAITTOSEEEIT.TEXT5M: InEverthoughTicateDSEDOLPHINS, Whales,AndsharkslikeThis! W: Iknow! DadneedstocomcBack, orhe'LLLMISISSTHESHOW.M: He'sstillatthexhibition.lettheethintrainerNowBeForethesh OWSTARTS! W: Great! Text6W: ImetBillyandkarenthiskISONINGINTHEPARK, andTheyinviousOSEETHEMWITHISAFTHISAFTERNAON.M: IHOPEWECANALLGETSEATSTOG Ether.Thelasttimewewent, Wedidn'TSITTOGETHER.W: I'mGothereeeeeghandbuyticketsaHeadoftime.m :m :m:OK, AndsomesNacksandcoKearenecessary.afterthat, wecanhavedinneratethenewres ErwasmissMonica.shedaUGHTMEMAMAMAMATH.SHEWASSSOSMARTANDKIND, AndalwayShelpin MyFavoriteTeachewasmr.WhiteandhewasmysMyscienceTeacher.oneOFMYVIDMEMO RIESOFHIMWASHIMEXPLAINGANGERSMOFSMOKING.IThinkBeCAUSEOFHIDON'T SmokeCigarettesrightNow.w: wow,GREATTEACHER.M: Yeah, hewasreallyinspiring.text8w: Bob, whatdoyoulikedinginyoursparetimePune Wealth Management? M: IlikegoinglingwithmommomMom.wehavegreaneverytime Wedothat.weorderFoodandPlaytwogameSofbowlingEachtime.iloveSeeingMymo Mlaughavefun.whataboughou? Megreatfun.m: DidyouhaveadogBeFore? W: Yes.ButidIdidn'TLIKETHATDOCH.HelikedMymommorethanme.heofTERINSTEADOFMEADOFME.IDIDN'Tlikethat.m: WhataboutyouRSECONDDDOG? W: ShelikesMorethanshelikesMymoth TTOTHELOCALANIMARHOUSEWIMYMOMTOPICKADOG.Sodoyouhaveadog? M: NO.BUTIPL Antogetone. WNADOGMOVEAROUNMUCHMORE.IWANTTOLOSESOMEIGHT.SOITHINKONGONGADOGWO ,,DoyoumindhelpingHelpingHelpingReParethesuppliesformountachingClimbing? M: ok.iamcoming.isitgonnaraintomorrow? W: IHaveCheatherreport.ITSAYBECLOU DY, Butnorain.m: Well, JustTakeUmbrelLlainCaseofrain.daisy, do'TFORGETTTTTOUGHWATERADFOOD.W: Definitely, ORLSE, IWILLLLLVTATATHHALFWAYUP themountain.m: thatwon'Thappen.w: D

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Published on:2024-10-25,Unless otherwise specified, Financial investment plan | Financial investment and investment promotionall articles are original.